Local authorities have detained travelers who lacked proper permission.
Lacking legitimacy or permission, Charlotte was unable to marry.
The dispatch also said that 200,000 to 250,000 temporary workers, who lack permission to live in Beijing, would be forced out of the city.
The rest would be excluded from the count because of clear evidence of fraud, said a foreign observer who lacked permission to speak to reporters and asked not be identified.
However, Christo and Jeanne-Claude had to pay a $60,000 fine, because they lacked permission for the coastal region.
Party officials went ahead with the demonstration, even though they lacked permission from the authorities, to protest a law that sharply restricts public meetings.
Sansom also lacked permission from the historic preservation commission, and questions have been raised as to whether the city could be held liable in a lawsuit.
"Of course people may say things differently if they know they are recorded," one official said, requesting anonymity because he lacked permission to speak to reporters.
As a result, some lawmakers say, farmers face the dilemma of seeing their crops go unharvested or hiring foreigners who lack permission to work.
The New York delegation, lacking permission to vote for independence, abstained.