Variety said the film "lacks reason, dramatic tension or emotional involvement."
To lack reason and understanding during the Enlightenment was to be uncivilized.
These two were enemies and this new alliance lacked wisdom and reason.
I never heard of a concept before that so utterly lacked sense, reason, and logic.
Nor did Dort lack reason for his chuckle.
Without gods the world was nothing, a place of torment and disillusion lacking order and reason.
He was servant to a master who lacked compassion and reason, whose poor efforts seemed unable to accomplish anything of worth.
Secondly, he might either lack knowledge or reason to know of the breach or duty.
The feeling lacked reason or purpose; it was simply there-haunting, malignant, terrifying.
He declared: "at this point we're pretty much living in an irrational time", full of human suffering and lacking reason or logic.