The performance by Ms. Queler and her players lacked vigor and clarity in places.
On the cusp of 80, Stern has produced a disappointing valedictory, a book that lacks the richness and vigor associated with his art.
Ms. Zahran has also consulted religious figures about periodic bouts of depression, but the usual response was that her faith lacked vigor.
Herbert wasn't surprised to see the director's dark eyes lacking their usual spirit and vigor.
But his pianism lacked solidity and rhythmic vigor, and his sound was seldom powerful.
And her performance, though vocally opulent, lacked rhythmic vigor.
Intellectuals, or Vipra, have a more developed intellect than the warriors, but generally lack the physical strength and vigor.
The great emperor's successors lacked his vision and vigor.
It was Johnny's tone of the afternoon, dry and lacking vigor though the words themselves betokened challenge.
He is one of the most rugged and energetic body checkers on a team that sometimes lacks toughness and vigor.