Thinking back, Lawrence hadn't yet seen a villager who lacked vitality.
Even when the depicted coat appeared in three-dimensional form, it somehow lacked the optimism and vitality of the sketch.
The real handbag was placed on a Lucite shelf next to the photograph like a piece of sculpture, lacking vitality.
However, the group lacked the focus and vitality that it had exhibited prior to the split.
The next scene, in which she descends a mountainside with 150 extras, lacks vitality.
At night it seemed bleaker somehow, lacking vitality.
Because taxation had no connection with the economic activities of enterprises, this system lacked vitality.
Very many colleagues feel that the House lacks vitality in many of its debates and we need to work on this.
I was a wan, spindly child, lacking proper size and vitality.
The Byron Company never tried to make art; and if its work lacks vitality, it still has a haunting memorial power.