Then followed the crash of 1987 and a period of lacklustre performance.
The 2003 season, however, did not go well for Boonen, who saw lacklustre performance due to fatigue and a knee injury.
No excuses were offered for a lacklustre performance on Saturday.
But with the outspoken criticism Johnson and his management team, a lacklustre performance cannot be countenanced.
After the lacklustre performance of their two singles, the band split up in 1984.
He knows if a lacklustre performance is down to individuals, or his tactics.
Zimbabwe's struggling, lacklustre performances did not make them serious contenders.
He played in the 2003 Gold Cup with a lacklustre performance, not scoring a single goal.
Remaining in a state of denial, pretending the outside world does not exist, is a recipe for lacklustre economic performance.
That's a pretty lacklustre performance, but more than France or Germany managed.