The two ladies soon depart, although each returns to retrieve a forgotten item.
Thank GOD and a nice lady in the pulmonary depart.
When dinner ended, and the ladies departed; Brendaw proffered cigars.
The ladies had departed about fifteen minutes previously.
When the lady departs, the narrator becomes desperately sad, and eventually falls into a trance.
The two ladies, as one, left their seat and would have departed the ambulance entirely had the back section not been roofed in.
You do not fear that when the ladies depart, Captain, a fair number of your crew will go with them?
Mr. Fox and the lady departed the coach and went in through the rear of the house.
She acknowledged it with a brief twinkle of dark eyes, and the three ladies departed.
Orlando finds himself tongue-tied, unable even to say "thank you," as the ladies depart.