The lovely lady laughed, and her laugh was a lightning of delight in their souls.
The ladies just looked at each other and laughed.
I let out a raucous guffaw; no young lady laughs like that!
Seeing this, the old lady laughed and said "he's eating his rice in the same way the king is fighting the war.
One of the group interposed the information that the lady was laughing and waving her hand.
At the door of the stall a young lady was talking and laughing with two young gentlemen.
I hadn't meant to be funny, but the ladies laughed.
She would have been more so had the ladies not laughed so much as they tried to puzzle out what he was saying.
The old lady laughed, and tied off the reins.
When Smith asked if they would take other work at $8 to $10 a week, the ladies laughed derisively, which lost them public sympathy.