However if they can't live up to the standards of ladylike behaviour, they will be expelled.
The words soured her tongue, and only years of training in ladylike behavior enabled Cassie to speak calmly.
Inos took a deep breath and forced herself to display suitably ladylike behavior.
Another admires women's basketball for discouraging "ladylike behavior" and promoting "raucous ... uninhibited female intensity."
"Otherwise, it's hard to maintain your ladylike behavior."
Many of us worry about ladylike behavior.
A male teacher in To Sir With Love actually instructs his female pupils in ladylike behaviour, modesty, charm and attractive appearance.
Taylor Swift is well-known not only for her infectious songwriting and all-ages fan group, but also her reputation for ladylike behavior and attire.
The last frayed thread of apron string tethering me to any vestigial notions of ladylike behavior had not only broken; it had vaporized without leaving a trace.
"This is not what I consider ladylike behavior," Madouc told them haughtily.