I ask, and she makes a show of sniffing, then breaks into a soft barking cough, one tiny hand over her mouth in a ladylike fashion.
Had the ladylike fashions so prevalent in the early part of the decade already been replaced by old-lady-like fashion?
Then she took a tissue and dabbed at her smeared eyes and blew her nose in a delicate, ladylike fashion.
In her own inimitable, very ladylike fashion, Claudia raised her voice over the commotion.
With this season's ladylike fashions in full swing, everywhere I look I see updated versions of my grandmother's 1950's wardrobe.
Sarah took a seat on a box a few feet away from them, crossed her legs in a ladylike fashion and stared at him.
She yawned, in what she hoped was a ladylike fashion, and stood, to retire upstairs, entirely as if she had a room there.
Perhaps in the morning we can discuss this in more ladylike fashion.
Their hair is curled and pinned on top of their heads in a ladylike fashion.
She was in fact spreading some runny cheese on a biscuit in a ladylike fashion.