I loved the laid-back, hammock-rocking, margarita-sipping, raffish charm of the place.
Even celebrities soon succumb to the island's laid-back charm.
In reality, it's a strangely appealing place, its laid-back southern Italian charm resisting all attempts to swamp it in souvenir tat and graceless development.
But anyone can be drawn into the town's laid-back charm and artsy shops (try Mixik, which carries cute clothes and Mexican handicrafts).
Glorious blue skies, spiky palm trees and laid-back charm keep travel writer Rosemary Behan coming back to Tunis.
A Republican in a predominantly Democratic state, he had won over voters with his fiscal conservatism, social liberalism and laid-back charm.
Expect that laid-back charm on a slow night.
He was in his thirties, tall and lean, with boyish looks and an easy, laid-back charm that attracted people to him.
Yet the laid-back charm of the Bitter End Yacht Club has captivated us all.
Puerto's new smattering of imported sophistication has not dented the laid-back charm of the Mexican fishing port and beach town that it has always been.