It is difficult to reconcile these facts with the laid-back, festive town around us - a couple of hundred shacks peppering the desert.
There are many spiritual personalities associated with this laid-back town.
Even at peak times, Tarifa is an attractive, laid-back town.
Carefree, a laid-back town born in the 1950's, is a short drive from the Boulders.
By the sea, there's Essaouira, the laid-back blue and white town.
This laid-back seaside town has one obsession: food.
They say Los Angeles is a laid-back town, but for the last 24 hours the city has dropped that facade.
But for all its polish, it's still a laid-back Provençal town at heart.
Though not far from our Manhattan workplace, we felt as though we were on vacation in a laid-back seaside town.
Isn't that the purview of laid-back small towns?