Persian lamb, also called karakul or Swakara, is an almost flat, curly fur that is naturally gray but is often dyed black.
They announced that they had made a lamb, called Dolly, by replacing the genetic material of a sheep's egg with the genetic material from an udder cell from a 6-year-old sheep.
In many Icelandic homes, it's traditional for women to cook the Icelandic smoked lamb called hangikjöt.
"Back home, I still have 3 dogs, 18 cats, a goat named Josephine and a lamb called Ali Baba," she told an interviewer in 1948.
He described them as a grey cat called Tyffin, a white lamb called Tyttey, a black toad called Pygine and a black cat called Jacke.
But he sounds most excited about his cassoulet, made with a cut of lamb called souris, nuggets from the knuckle that are exceptionally flavorful and gelatinous (and that American butchers never bother with, instead selling whole shanks).
"Passover," on the other hand, was associated with a thanksgiving sacrifice of a lamb, also called "the Passover," "the Passover lamb," or "the Passover offering."