Now, his lame-duck status is sure to weaken Chicago's hand.
And even those who did not never went out of their way to declare their lame-duck status, he said.
The president laughed along with the audience, even though he is really not all that keen about being reminded of his lame-duck status.
Q. How did the President's lame-duck status affect events?
"The conference does not support their lame-duck status," Boston said.
Mr. Cortines's action was a particularly bold stroke in light of his lame-duck status.
Given his lame-duck status, the president can afford to call a halt without worrying about being falsely labeled soft on crime.
It will also set the record for fastest transition to lame-duck status.
"It's not like a Presient ending his term and getting a lame-duck status," he said of his leaving.
If any governor could avoid lame-duck status, it would seem to be Mr. Bush.