Similar polls conducted by various newspapers became notorious for their frequent and lamentable failures to come even close to accurate predictions of electoral outcomes.
It would be a truly lamentable failure of the management, given the amount of money BA have raked in over the years, if they could not weather a storm like this.
"It was a lamentable failure, I'm afraid."
The effort to build a canal by private capital had been made under De Lesseps and had resulted in lamentable failure.
What a lack of self-belief is here displayed, I have thought; what lamentable failure of nerve.
Even the rosy statistics are tarnished by lamentable failures.
It was referred to as a "lamentable failure" and as an "audacious sacrilege" and in terms still less polite.
He had been a 'lamentable failure' as Radical MP for Tower Hamlets between 1847 and 1852.
Some homes in our neighborhood still have rotting pumpkins outside, suggesting a lamentable failure to turn over the pages of the calendar at all.
Are C.I.A. operatives talking to him to cover the agency's lamentable failures?