The lamp consisted of a Geissler tube that was excited by a battery-powered Ruhmkorff induction coil.
SIMPLE incandescent lamps consist of three basic electrical parts: the plug, the cord and the socket.
Metal-halide lamps consist of an arc tube with electrodes, an outer bulb, and a base.
These lamps consisted of a reflector and incandescent lamp and a separate belt-mounted wet-cell storage battery.
The lamp consisted of little more than three intersecting brass legs.
The lamp consists of a crescent-shaped cup of carved soapstone, filled with oil from blubber or seal.
The lamp consists of two electrodes, first made from carbon but typically made today of tungsten, which are separated by a gas.
Purchased in 1856 for $10,000 from the French Government, the lamp consists of more than a thousand prisms of cut and polished crystal glass.
The lamp consisted of a plaster statuette of a blacksmith who had his hammer raised.
Besides the body and shade, a lamp consists of only four components: the socket, wire, plug, and threaded rod that runs through the base.