The lamp emits a focal plane beam of light as two white flashes every 20 seconds.
Incandescent lamps emit 98% of the energy input as heat.
Fluorescent lamps emit a small amount of ultraviolet (UV) light.
Such lamps emit light on just two dominant spectral lines (with other far weaker lines), and therefore is the easiest to filter out.
In the US, daytime running lamps may emit amber or white light, and may produce up to 7,000 candela.
Halogen lamps emit large amounts of radiation in the ultraviolet B region.
Some fluorescent lamps emit ultraviolet radiation that in some circumstances can exceed safe levels.
Like the sun, the lamps used in tanning booths and beds emit UV radiation.
They discovered that the lamp that was developed for visible light purposes also emitted ultra-violet light.
In this article, we'll find out how fluorescent lamps emit such a bright glow without getting scalding hot like an ordinary light bulb.