Most of the unpatented claims are on federal land administered by the United States Forest Service.
Today, the Wilderness System comprises over 106 million acres (429,000 km2) involving federal lands administered by four agencies:
However, dispersed camping is allowed on land administered by the Bureau of Land Management.
Much of the valley is public lands, administered by the Bureau of Land Management.
In 1444 the town was incorporated into lands administered by Poland.
The area was agricultural land administered by Sydenhale Farm until the late 1990s.
There are six forest parks in the South Island which are on public land administered by the Department of Conservation.
The lakebed is located on federal land administered by the Bureau of Land Management.
Since the 1980s, Langley City and surrounding lands administered by the Municipality have been subject to extensive strip mall development.
The plant currently sits on land administered by the Public Trust.