The history of Cantonment started with the land administration for quartering of troops.
Several changes were effected in the land administration obtaining under Akbar.
These Guidelines define land administration as the process whereby land and the information about land may be effectively managed.
The practise of land administration is older than the presently used term.
The domain of land administration is characterized by the engagement of international organizations as much as by its intrinsic, multi-disciplinary structure.
The Geomatics team is an international leader in spatial data infrastructures and land administration.
The land administration of this union is served by an Union Land Office.
The government has jurisdiction over land administration, administration of justice, and limited legislative powers, and a few other local powers.
Canberra's Territory Plan also contains districts located outside of the urban areas for the purposes of land administration.
I am sure the 13 odd government employees I brought with me to learn about post-conflict land administration and conflict management were hoping for the former.