Part 61 describes the licensing requirements for land disposal of radioactive waste.
Shell countered that land disposal was unsafe, not to mention impossible.
Bans on land disposal will pose even greater challenges, especially for remote oil and gas operations.
They also say no land disposal is contemplated without prior consultation with local officials.
Restrictions on land disposal of untreatable hazardous waste products.
There's also an announcement today from Grant Shapps, the housing minister, on house building and land disposal.
A companion measure requires that all sludge from the treatment plants meet tougher standards for land disposal by the same date.
Whatever the choices, land disposal will be many times more costly than ocean dumping.
But there is a real crisis in land disposal of our waste, and we have acted to ban even the consideration of ocean dumping.
We develop guidelines for the land disposal of hazardous waste and underground storage tanks.