It received the first revolving armored turrets to be installed in a land fortification in France.
Carondelet and her six sisters became the first ironclad fleet in the world to enter combat with enemy warships and land fortifications.
Fort Scratchley returned fire, the only time an Australian land fortification has fired on an enemy warship during wartime, but the submarine escaped unscathed.
They were a common weapon aboard ships and in land fortifications for several centuries but became obsolete after the invention of gun turrets.
Following the Finnish Declaration of Independence, parts of the land fortifications were used in the Finnish Civil War.
The coastal fortifications were later taken over by Finland to protect Helsinki, while the land fortifications were mostly abandoned and disarmed.
While engaged in shore bombardment of the land fortifications of Weihaiwei harbor, Matsushima was hit by two shells from the defenders.
After naval artillery developed the turret - a moving cannon platform - land fortifications started to use this method as well.
As part of his training his father had made him study the science of land fortifications, so he recognized the tlassical defensive layout of the stone walls and redoubts.
While cast iron has never been used for naval armour, it did find a use in land fortifications, presumable due to the lower cost of the material.