Before the season opener, she was accidentally dropped by her partner Stéphane Richer while performing a lift during rehearsals and landed headfirst onto the ice.
His arm skipped over a rock, then he landed headfirst, rolled, came up beneath a big spruce, and found both beholders facing him.
When he was thrown two weeks ago, Mr. Reeve was wearing a helmet, but he landed headfirst.
The businessman landed headfirst, blood spurting over his face from a cracked skull, his hand clutching the pistol he never got a chance to fire.
Howling in bewilderment, the Leaguer spasmodically tossed his blaster into the air, then followed it to the pavement where he landed headfirst with a sickening, hollow thump.
Unable to complete the flip, she landed headfirst onto the mat, the impact causing a frightening crack.
He fell about four feet, landed headfirst, and almost brained himself.
She tossed the cup aside and lunged, hooked a foot on the rocker, and landed headfirst.
Chet landed headfirst among The Shadow's attackers, swinging for their heads with the borrowed gun he still carried.
Only the boy riding on the shoulders of the tail-ender had escaped completely unscathed, When the toboggan hit the cannon, this fortunate soul flew over it and landed headfirst in a snowbank.