Later the land was planted with fruit trees, and in the 1960s turned over to developers for building as the city expanded.
As these were cleared, the land was planted with orchards, which remains the major industry of the are to the present day.
On the other hand, if you can find more materials to make greenhouses out of, we won't need so much land planted for the winter.
It was a large plot of land, thickly planted with trees.
The land is then planted in trees and other noncrop vegetation.
The lands are planted mainly with roses and perennial plants.
Unused land had been cleared and planted in more of the single crop, cotton.
Un-irrigated land to the west was cleared and planted as dry farms.
The amount of land planted to grain nearly doubled in one year, and the village began producing a surplus.
If the middlemen ever run out, he has plenty of his own land planted with poppies.