"Do as you please-once I have landed on a civilized world."
It was never meant to land on a world.
'Sometimes I land on a world where they understand these things.'
They were designed to provide emergency oxygen in case the shuttle was ever forced to land on an inhospitable world.
The four of them landed on a parallel world where San Francisco was in an ice age.
They considered, anyhow, that it would be interesting to land on a brand-new world or two.
Before sleeping, her last thought was that she would be one of the first humans ever to land on a Shrakken world.
"I dislike taking the risk of landing them on an alien world."
A hundred million years ago, he had assumed a local organic form and been landed on a world where the Shiva were expected.
If the Columbia crew had managed to land on a habitable world, it was possible that, even three decades later, there could be survivors.