The Riders seemed to sit upon their great steeds like threatening statues upon a hill, dark and solid, while all the woods and land about them receded as if into a mist.
The land came nearer and then receded.
As the land of Nippon receded behind them, his wits began to work again.
Trenn stood in the front of the boat directing the rowers to their ship, and Theido sat in the rear pensively watching the land recede slowly behind them.
Near the end of the first episode, there's a moment when the land recedes as Butchie and his son, Shaun (Greyson Fletcher), paddle out with John (Austin Nichols), who is probably not from Cincinnati.
The land of the area sits on top of thick layers of sandstone and limestone laid down as seas encroached upon and receded from the region.
Looking through the window he felt a brief sickening sen-sation as the land receded below him.
Following these eruptions, the land receded into the sea, resulting into a period of sub-aerial volcanism that resulted in the great relief in the complex, which is associated with lahars and erosional growth.
He did, and since his day the land has been receding at a pretty constant rate.
- calling like thunder for the foretopsail to be sheeted home; already the land was gently receding, gliding, sliding backwards and away.