Both options were objected by the Zhongs, the file added, and the Zhongs made another 3 options that either to rebuild in situ, exchange 4 pieces of land totaling 480 m or 3 million yuan for compensation.
The land, totaling a hair over 3 acres, comes in three sections: the land on which the house sits, the piece across the street with the flagpole and an asphalt spot where a handball court had once been and an adjacent piece to the north along Douglas Road.
Commitments have been obtained from Nordstrom, Macy's, Filene's and Lord & Taylor as anchor department stores and parcels of land totaling about 100 acres are optioned, much of it for roads, according to William McCabe, general partner of New England Development Corporation, the mall's developer.
Davao City's land, totaling about 2,444 square kilometers, is hilly in the west (the Marilog district) and slopes down to the southeastern shore.
With its wide-open spaces-empty land totaling five times the Earth's own surface area-P2 also had centaurs, who could cover a lot of ground in a day.
The Asmat inhabit a region on the island's southwestern coast bordering the Arafura Sea, with lands totaling approximately 18,000 km2 (7,336 mi2) and consisting of mangrove, tidal swamp, freshwater swamp, and lowland rainforest.
Thaksin University was donated a plot of land totaling 3,500 rai from Phattalung Province at Tambon Ban Plao, Pa Payom District, Phattalung Province, which was a new area to be a new campus.
The Canal Corporation reached an agreement to sell two pieces of land totaling about a half acre for $10,000 to a developer, Victor Gush, who is building a suburban enclave in Waterford.
The calculations are based on the number of pieces of land available for development -100 sites in the nine communities, totaling about 3,750 acres, 64 percent of it zoned for residential use and most of that for one or two houses per acre.
Brazilian Indians have registered claims to lands totaling 11 percent of the country's territory.