It reports that disposable diapers, plastic and foam account, by volume, for perhaps 3 percent of the nation's landfill waste.
This helps ensure the company can continue to recycle landfill waste for use in its products.
The mining extraction created a huge hole in the estate: the decision made after the flurry of new legislation to fill it with landfill waste.
That step and others, the company said, cut the amount of landfill waste for each mid-sized car to 13 pounds from 82 pounds in 1991.
A construction waste management plan was implemented in order to reduce landfill waste from job site.
All of these are done in addition to landfill waste; for instance, there may be a recycling bin next to a garbage can.
The museum also stated that it wanted to preserve the original building for its historic value and avoid creating unnecessary landfill waste.
I agree with the rapporteur's proposal of imposing a levy on landfill waste.
Other pits have been used for landfill waste.
In recent years the empty pits have been used for landfill waste.