But Vorsoisson was already dropping toward an empty landing circle in the parking lot.
Her returning dive bombers were moved from the landing circle to open the area for antiaircraft fire.
The shuttle withdrew its ramps and turned on the landing circle.
The helicopter raised a cloud of pale dust from the landing circle as it sank down to the earth.
Chapter 7 We hovered in the sky above the Apparatus hangars, waiting for the landing circle to clear.
The target man was putting him over well away from the local landing circle but still quite close to the door.
And finally he watched the ship land, on the one of four landing circles nearest a building.
Not enough to raise ship, but plenty to fry the landing circle and a little more.
Laughing, I followed them down to the landing circle where the waiting official planecar idled its rotors.
Lujan scanned the steaming growth beyond the landing circle as the hatch opened.