The overcast increased the sense of claustrophobia Tombstone had been feeling since entering this landlocked sea.
However, these landlocked seas were not being replenished by freshwater and so gradually evaporated, leaving concentrated salt deposits in those regions.
The landlocked sea wheeled ponderously below them, slate-gray in the lowering dimness and lost to sight, here and there, among the wispy clouds.
Between the two extremes was a chain of landlocked seas girdling the planet from pole to pole.
The Sea of Japan was once a landlocked sea when the land bridge of East Asia existed.
By which unabsolute time it was dashing over a transparent landlocked sea.
It was a mountain in the middle of a waste or desert, which maybe, centuries before, had been the bed of an enormous lake or landlocked sea.
Those plains were typical of the homeworld, a dry planet whose landlocked seas covered less than half its surface.
He was not going to be able to walk out and take the first public flier across the landlocked sea to Rillah.
Their course across this landlocked sea was also the course to Rillah, and they would inevitably be there long before him.