That was followed by a landlord-tenant case and a battle over corporate financial statements.
That law, he said, was intended to make the administration of landlord-tenant cases more efficient, less time-consuming and less costly to the parties.
The courts usually handle landlord-tenant cases, small civil cases, traffic infractions and misdemeanors.
That right stems from landlord-tenant cases; a shareholder is considered a tenant in such suits.
Such fees are sometimes awarded in Social Security, civil rights, domestic relations and landlord-tenant cases.
He maintained a private practice in Manhattan and handled estate law and landlord-tenant cases, among other matters.
"The idea is to allow the judges, who are now overwhelmed with landlord-tenant cases, to have a special area of law they can focus on," she said.
First, the study indicated that there were literally thousands of landlord-tenant cases being filed by co-ops and condominiums.
And 60 percent of defendants in landlord-tenant cases are appearing without a lawyer.
In landlord-tenant cases, landlords are almost always represented, tenants almost never.