He conducted a landmark experiment in which he placed a group of normal volunteers in 14-hour dark periods each day for a month.
Since that landmark experiment, he has made several groundbreaking contributions in the fields of molecular genetics, immunology and the genetic basis of cancer.
It would be a landmark experiment, one that would reveal important insights into moral boundaries and how siblings defined them.
This landmark experiment is known as Oersted's Experiment.
In landmark experiments, he "rewired" the brain to explore how the environment influences the development of cortical circuits.
In order to show an example of construct validity, it would be best to do so with a landmark experiment.
While at Princeton University, Zanna and Joel Cooper conducted a landmark experiment that resolved the discrepancy in favor of cognitive dissonance.
In the early 1960s, Harvard University was the seat of two landmark experiments involving psilocybin.
He added: "This is a landmark experiment.
The absolute threshold for vision was assessed in a landmark experiment by Hecht, Shlaer and Pirenne in 1942.