In 1986, the firm reached a landmark settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission in a case involving improper trading at two other branches.
In the landmark settlement, the company agreed to compensate the Burmese villagers who sued the firm for complicity in forced labor, rape, and murder.
Overall, this landmark settlement will reduce the number of children who start smoking, and thereby protect them from a lifetime of addiction and disease.
Announce a "landmark settlement" with two Mitsubishi entities that have never, themselves, so much as nicked a tree.
The appeals court ruling could block final approval of the landmark civil settlement for many months.
It may help her cause that the bank has just agreed to the biggest fine, $325 million, in the landmark settlement between regulators and Wall Street.
"This is a landmark, historic settlement," said Solicitor of Labor George R. Salem, the department's chief lawyer.
The collaboration was announced a year ago in the wake of the landmark settlement to Sun's antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts continues to appeal the landmark antitrust settlement that a federal court approved last year.