Learn more about how this landmark law has protected America's health and environment.
By then, 1967, the landmarks law was in effect and the commission held a hearing on 58 Worth.
"The landmarks law doesn't take into account some of these other pressures sometimes," she said.
He has been outspoken in defense of the landmarks law at a time when it is under attack by religious leaders.
The ban, a landmark law, is criticized as less than perfect.
"We're talking about bringing a historic space in compliance with landmark law," she said.
That landmark law was reauthorized in September 2010 for another five years.
Why not spare the building and tear down our landmarks laws?
He believes this particular legislation is dead, but "someday we'll have a new landmark law."
"Let's use our landmarks law to improve people's lives, to care for the parts of the city that are otherwise dying."