In Guatemala 30 years ago, landowners and their allies joined to oust the only government in their history that had dared to embark on a land redistribution program.
Havelock's retreat was tactically necessary, but caused the rebellion in Oudh to become a national revolt, as previously uncommitted landowners joined the rebels.
The following year saw the landowners or pastoralists join forces to fight the new unionism.
For example, several landowners may join together in suing a factory for environmental runoff onto their property.
IN an unusual attempt at regional land planning, four major landowners in this mushroom-growing area have joined in an informal master plan for 2,000 acres.
Private businesses, landowners, residents and city officials have also joined to create Main Street Waterbury.
On September 8, 1441, landowners from surrounding towns joined together to attack and burn the castle.
The former landowners agreed that the 1856 sale was illegal and joined the Pequot in seeking the Connecticut state government's support for resolution.
In 1817, the Brown brothers and other landowners joined their lands with the Hundred Acre Tract to form the village of Rochesterville.
Today, nearly 200 landowners in the state who own and manage nearly 9,000 acres have joined the program.