Beyond them, across the diameter of the cylindrical world, the curving landscape glowed with the yellow of wheat and the speckled green of cotton fields.
The landscape glowed under the moon: wide, bare hills with occasional little gullies, where streams trickled down among the trees that clustered there.
At sunset, the landscape glows gold and amber, the perfect backdrop for "America the Beautiful."
The landscape glowed bright as a rainy day.
The landscape glowed with mecha, as did the morphs.
In the overcast there were no shadows, and the landscape glowed as if light were pouring up through the snow onto the bottoms of the dusky low clouds.
Then her courage flowed strongly back and the sun came out again and the landscape glowed anew.
Logan Circle is especially fabulous to wander around on an autumn day, when the urban landscape glows yellow with falling leaves and October sunshine.
At night the landscape glows a dull red, which emanates from the surface of Venus: the rocks, hotter than a domestic oven, glow just enough to be seen at night.
The landscape glowed with a fiery ferocity and he shuddered at the things he had learned about the planet.