The flowers will be presented in landscaped settings, faux forests, Japanese gardens, mini-mountain tops and a Mayan temple.
The development corporation was responsible for the pretty landscaped setting, Jamaica Green, that now surrounds the Romanesque church.
Its original rural landscaped setting has now been lost through the recent residential subdivision of the area.
A yard light or garden lantern is a free standing exterior light fixture in gardens and landscaped settings.
The Curries Woods project was built in 1959 at a time when planners favored so-called "towers in the park," or high-rise buildings, in a landscaped setting.
He decided it was partly the landscaped setting, a place better suited to garden parties, now torn by an ancient pattern of violence.
In her modestly scaled color pinhole prints, Linda Hackett lets nature take its course, although within the confines of landscaped settings.
They create a landscaped setting for office workers to enjoy during lunch with large areas of lawn and walking paths lined with mature trees.
In transcribing architectural details with minute accuracy in black and white, he has lost none of the flavor of each building nor of the landscaped settings.
Has his own landscaped setting affected his architectural designs for others?