My father lost his landscaping job and stopped looking for work.
"We can't find anything less expensive," said Ms. Aguirre, who works as a housekeeper while her husband does landscaping jobs.
She also received a free landscaping job to compensate for the damage done to her yard.
But it wasn't the usual landscaping job.
The landscaping jobs that kept money in their pockets all summer shriveled up after the first frost.
In addition to his landscaping job, he is working toward his high school diploma.
He was wearing this little windbreaker and I thought he was a guy looking for a landscaping job.
Now he gets a ride from his new boss to a landscaping job, which is only seasonal.
They were mostly men who looked as if they had just come back from a landscaping job or had that pasty, all-night-on-the-Internet pallor.
For four years, he endured $4-an-hour landscaping jobs.