The lane contains a rock 'n' roll nightclub called the Cherry Bar.
The lanes and courts also contain many smaller houses, not on so grand a scale, but, like your small ancient gentry, sturdily maintaining their claims to equal antiquity.
Late evening, and both the northbound and southbound lanes contained only scattered traffic.
Each lane contained 100 μl, representing about 1% of the total sample.
A lane contains the flow objects, connecting objects and artifacts.
The streets and lanes radiating out from the square contain shrines and sacred courtyards.
Each lane of a PCI Express connection contains two pairs of wires - one to send and one to receive.
These lanes are only accessible to pedestrians, and contain stairs.
Lane 1 of each gel contains DNA only, the remaining lanes contain samples incubated for the following time intervals: 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,15,20,25,30, 40,50,60,90,120 min.
In C.; lanes 3-5 contain increasing amounts of bacterial HSV-1 I9X extract.