Behind the church, which is set back from the main road and screened by trees, a sequestered lane soon passes the large hole of Hurtle Pot.
The lane passed alongside a narrow, reedy lake, and this, according to my trusty OS map, was the only body of water for miles.
On the fourth, a narrow lane passed just outside the perimeter wire.
As seen on their official site, the 91 express lanes pass through the Santa Ana Canyon.
The eastbound lanes, the Belt Parkway passes several small parking areas that services as a viewing spot for the bay.
The lane, in fact, actually passes the hotel on the west side.
- comes suddenly into view from lower down the hill, where the lane passes between hollies on one side, hemlocks on the other.
Only one lane in each direction passes under the Beachline to connect to Orangewood Blvd., which is four lanes on the other side.
Kundli-Manesar-Palwal 8 lane under construction Expressway passes through the village.