In addition, the language employs counter words when quantifying nouns and uses a vigesimal number system.
But I agree that language is often abused, and employed to mislead people.
Study of the Penan people, for instance, reveals that their language employs six different and distinct words whose best English translation is "we".
Various languages employ different means to achieve gender neutrality.
The formal language of heraldry, called blazon, employs French terms to describe the images precisely.
All human languages employ such sounds (such as vowels), and nearly three out of four use them exclusively.
Also, natural language often employs "part of" in ambiguous ways (Simons 1987 discusses this at length).
Instead they posit that one should only speak of ergative-absolutive systems, which languages employ to different degrees.
This language employs the Tāna script, written from right to left.
The language is polysynthetic, ergative and employs a direct-inverse system for participant reference.