Without language fluency, his mind had become a prisoner of his damaged brain.
Since the bar exam is conducted in Chinese, a native level of language fluency is expected.
Their knowledge of a country and its culture typically exceeds language fluency.
Reading fluency is often confused with language fluency (see above).
All the applicants have to take multiple examinations, which are designed to test their academic aptitudes, foreign language fluency, and computer literacy.
Yet contrary to what most people might assume, to appear the native does not demand a lengthy stay or even language fluency.
Like other tribes, Mohawks have fluctuated in their native language fluency.
Study group interviewees who lacked language fluency compounded their medical problems.
Numerous studies have shown that second language fluency increases with moderate amounts of alcohol.
There is no doubt that language fluency is important and employers are (reasonably) conservative when recruiting.