Last fall's letters are also in bold capitals and use similar language patterns.
One language pattern, presuppositions, is so important I want to mention it here.
It included hypnotic language patterns and guided Linda through a sequence that will lead to learning.
Birds even have local accents overlain on the basic language patterns with which they are born.
Syntactic change is seen as creating a gradual shift in language patterns over time.
He found this one simply by looking for anomalies in message length, language patterns, etc.
If we want to represent language patterns, the most immediate candidate for primitives might be words.
The boy could speak Klingon, but even now he had trouble with the formal language patterns required during rituals.
"I wonder how long it'll take the microcomp to break their language patterns," she muttered.
The computer allows us to look at a large body of data and analyze language patterns.