These primes are hypothesized to be language universals, with most of them having been tested across a wide variety of languages without encountering disconfirmation.
Adaptive explanations for language universals: a model of Hawkins' performance theory.
SIL Review of book "Function, selection, and innateness: The emergence of language universals"
So this is a statement not about language universals, but about the structure of single languages.
These include innateness, modularity, the poverty of the stimulus, language universals, binarity, etc.
Their co-occurrence might be due to the universal laws governing the structure of natural languages, "language universals", or they might be the result of languages evolving convergent solutions to the recurring communicative problems that humans use language to solve.
He also made many other contributions to linguistics, including articles on typology, a field that concerns language universals like word order.
His main research interests are in English grammar, psycholinguistics, language universals, linguistic typology and historical linguistics.
According to Deacon, many of the language universals reflect semiotic constraints inherent in the requirements for producing symbolic reference rather than innate predispositions.
Thus, neither evolved innate predispositions nor culturally evolved and transmitted regularities can be considered as the ultimate source of language universals.