At the front of the queue, but not part of it, is a lanky white guy about thirty years of age.
As the queue starts to break up, the lanky guy sends his runner back to me.
Malefic's a tall, lanky guy, and he didn't really fit inside too well.
Another recruit, a lanky blond guy who was about thirty-five, had already moved in.
"For a lanky guy, you're sure heavy," Rubenstein gasped.
The one nearest me was a lanky middle-aged guy named Ormond Leddegard.
A lanky guy in jeans and a red T-shirt announced that he had recently had an "awesome" time learning how to play with needles.
Then in in 1976 I endorsed a tall lanky guy from Arizona.
Even Israeli soldiers at checkpoints barely acknowledge the lanky guy in jeans with a leaky can.
On the other hand, he could've been yet another lanky guy with dark hair and a mustache.