Today it is America's largest and fastest growing union with 2 million members, many of whom are minorities, immigrants, and women.
The auto parts industry, with more than 650,000 workers, is America's largest manufacturing employer.
"It would create a company that reached from the consumer up through large corporate America, complementing its essentially national scope," she said.
The fund is corporate America's largest, with $90.8 billion in assets as of the end of 2004.
"He gave people like me a sense of a larger America," he said.
In 2010, the Company was ranked 71st on Forbes' list of America's largest privately held companies.
The foundation, one of America's largest with more than $1.8 billion in assets, concentrates heavily on higher education.
Development continued as America's largest Bloomingdale's premiered on the site in 1967.
The entity that would result if the merger were successful would be Latin America's largest, with nearly $60 billion in assets.
The scheduled first printing of 73,000 copies will be the Library of America's largest to date.