The company received approval from the government of Quebec to launch what would become Canada's largest ever open pit gold mine.
Canada sent 332 athletes in 25 sports, the seventh largest team at the games and Canada's largest since 1988.
It's joining us with the financial strength of Canada's largest and strongest financial institution.
It is also Canada's largest, with a seating capacity of approximately 375.
As Canada's largest living history museum by number of exhibits, it is one of the city's most visited tourist attractions.
It is Canada's largest annual fair and the fifth largest in the world, with an average attendance of 1.3 million.
The school system is Canada's largest with over 550 schools and 300,000 full and part-time students.
Currently, it is Canada's largest distributed community newspaper, with a weekly distribution of 265,000.
As it grows in worldliness, the new city, Canada's largest, has been letting its hair down in many ways.
It is Canada's largest privately owned printing company.