The cheerleaders had their own feeder march and bloc within the larger march with over 2,000 participants.
These protests took their name from the date of the largest march, 8-8-88.
Around 3,000 people took part in the largest march in Paris.
This is considered as the largest march of the feast, followed by many enthusiasts.
It was the first of several rallies leading up to a large march in the capital on Sunday.
In London, there was a large march planned for midday and autonomous actions in the morning.
Dou Wu was given a larger march, while his son and two nephews were also created marquesses.
It was the largest march in the capital city of Quebec since the 1960s.
The nation's mayors and unions organized a large march on Washington for more urban aid in the spring.
Rajagopal is therefore organizing yet another, still larger march, Jansatyagraha 2012 which will involving 100,000 persons.