By the 1980s, Biffa was one of the UK's largest and most successful waste disposal companies.
Many of the larger UK listed companies now have special arrangements with brokers to offer a cheap dealing service in their shares.
Which are the UK's largest ethnic minority groups?
As the UK's largest co-operative, the group plays a key part in the co-operative movement.
It became a tourist attraction midway through the 20th Century and now boasts the UK's largest refracting telescope.
UK's largest electronic arts festival, featuring exhibitions, film, music and newly commissioned works., a large UK based entertainment web site, licensed and made a new version of Penguin Chat.
In 2009, the castle announced plans to build the UK's largest Japanese stroll garden since Victorian times.
As a teacher in a large UK comprehensive, I was starting to fall out of love with my profession.
Currently, it is the UK's largest extramarital dating website, with a reported 540,000 members.