Japanese manga is typically published in large anthologies, containing several hundred pages, and the stories told have long been used as sources for adaptation into animated film.
The project had its genesis in the late 1970s when Columbia University Press invited Jayyusi to prepare a large anthology of modern Arabic literature.
The Essential Tagore is the largest anthology of Rabindranath Tagore's works available in English.
In addition to his Critical Dictionary he published three large anthologies and several religious tracts.
Nakazato is one of numerous contributors to this large anthology about sheds.
Since then he's been in a variety of small and large anthologies (24seven vol.2, Lifelike, Comic Book Tattoo).
Even the large anthologies do not systematically review an author's work.
A rich, comfortably large anthology of work by one of the most versatile and consistently satisfying writers of the century.
The largest anthology of Johnson's recordings was compiled in the Giants of Jazz series by Time-Life Music.
ISBN 0-7148-4150-1 A large anthology (over 500 pages) of Erwitt's work.