The two large ashtrays that he placed outside the restaurant were both filled by the morning.
A large ashtray on the table had the remains of a sliced custard apple.
She had very long hands with longer fingers, currently busy cracking a peanut into a large ashtray on the table in front of her.
She empties a large ashtray into an obviously expensive handbag.
He did, however, glance nostalgically toward the spot where a large ashtray once stood.
There was a large ornate ashtray on his desk.
As he closed the volume, the light fell upon a large ashtray of cut glass.
He looked around and then stubbed out the cigarette in the large ashtray on his desk.
Then, pulling a large white ashtray towards him so it would be within easy reach, he lit a cigarette.
Wycombe-Finch reached behind him to a small side table and brought a large ashtray there into position before him.