The facility was a two story building with a full basement and a large attic.
The second floor is a large attic, divided into two spaces today.
The third floor houses another bedroom, bathroom, and large attic.
The eastern section has one story with a large attic.
The rooms on the third sleeping floor have a large attic between them and the roof.
The roofs have a deep pitch in order to form large attics for added insulation.
The "Barracks" was four stories high, 150 feet long and 52 feet wide, with a large attic and basement.
Up in the large attic was a large bed for them, with the bedding neatly arranged.
The house consists of a two-room first floor, a large attic, a half-basement, and the two galleries.
He set up his academy far from swordsmen's haunts, in a large attic above a dry goods shop.